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Assaulted Woman’s Brother Said Hon. Yunusa Bah Allegedly Hit His Sister In The Face With A Brick 

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Hon. Yunusa M. Bah, NAM Kiang Central Constituency

By Buba Gagigo

The brother of a woman who was allegedly assaulted by National Assembly Member for Kiang Central constituency, Hon. Yunusa M. Bah said the MP hit his sister with a brick in the face.

“The woman he (Hon. Yunusa M Bah) assaulted is my sister. A young boy in our compound went to work, and he was paid D350. All of us at home saw the money when he was paid. However, the boy lost the D200 note along the way. There were some other boys playing outside and among them is Yunusa’s son. They found the money and took it to Yunusa’s wife. The boy went to tell them that he owns the D200 they found, but Yunusa’s wife and the children who found the money all came to our compound to say, yes, they found the money, but the boy is not the owner. My brother’s wife told them it is true the boy owns the money because he went to work and was paid. But Yunusa’s wife jump up and said in the Fula Language, ‘It is a lie’. That triggered the altercation and is the root cause of the problem,” the alleged assaulted Woman’s Brother said on Mengbe Kering.

Continuing his narration of events on Mengbe Kering Radio, the alleged assaulted woman’s brother stated that upon hearing the ruckus, two boys came from Hon. Yunusa’s compound and proceeded to beat up the boy who claimed ownership of the money found. 

“They proceed to confront and beat up the boy. That was when the women in our compound shouted, and my younger brother and my brother’s son came out to separate them. In the process of separating them, they had a push and pull and that was the time Yunusa arrived on the scene. The women from our compound spoke to him, but he refused to listen,” the alleged victim’s brother continued.

He alleged that Hon. Yunusa M Bah went ahead and scolded his younger brother and that was the time the woman honorable Bah allegedly assaulted came to the rescue of his younger brother.

“He (Hon. Yunusa M Bah) let go of my younger brother and turned his attention to the woman. This is a woman who gave birth not long ago via cesarean section, just less than two months ago, and is still in recovery from that surgery. He (Yunusa) took a brick and hit the woman on her face, and her face got swollen. He also tore her shirt. She is currently at the hospital, and we don’t know what the outcome of her medical assessment will be now,” he explained.

We were unable to reach Hon Bah at the time of going to press. We will bring you his side of the story if he agrees to grant us an interview.

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